Teaching Staff

Expert Details

Lan Qiao


Duty:Vice president of Civil and Resource Engineering School


Office Phone:(86 10)62333130


Professional Service:

Member of the Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering

Vice-Chairman of the Rock Mechanics Testing Committee

Vice-Chairman of the Environmental Geotechnical Engineering Committee

Research Fields:

1. Rock mechanics in deep engineering

2. Geostress measurement and other geotechnical testing techniques

3. Mechanism analysis and prevention of geological hazards

4. Underground structures of geothermal energy

5. High-level waste disposal

Present Courses:

1. Introduction to Civil Engineering

2. The Principle of Engineering Geology

Recent Research Projects:

2019, Research on the deep rock mechanical behavior and efficient safe mining technology in offshore gold mine, National Natural Science Foundation of China and Shandong Province Joint Program, 2.77 million.

2019, Radical decrease in risk of natural catastrophic disasters, The State Key Research Development Program of China, 2.60 million.

2017, Research on the unloading characteristic during excavation in high energy storage host rock and its application in inducing mining, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 0.64 million.

2016, Deep geostress environment and disasters dynamics, The State Key Research Development Program of China, 5.4 million.

2015,Research on the high strain rate characteristic of rocks with the dynamic loads, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 0.8 million.

Academic Awards:

2007, National Science and Technology Achievement Award, Second Prize, Ranking 7.

2003, National Science and Technology Achievement Award, Second Prize, Ranking 3.

2000, National Science and Technology Achievement Award, Second Prize, Ranking 9.

1999, National Technological Invention Award, Third Prize, Ranking 2.

Selected Publications:

1. Lan Qiao, Lu Chen, Gautam Dasgupta, Qingwen Li, Yuan Li. Surface characterization and frictional energy dissipation characteristics of deep granite under high stress conditions. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018: 1-13.

2. Yuan Li, Shuangshuang Fu, Lan Qiao(*), Zibin Liu, Yihai Zhang. Development of Twin Temperature Compensation and High-Level Biaxial Pressurization Calibration Techniques for CSIRO In-Situ Stress Measurement in Depth. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018: 1-17.

3. Lu Chen, Lan Qiao, Jianming Yang, Qingwen Li. Laboratory investigation of energy propagation and scattering characteristics in cylindrical rock specimens. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018: 1-7.

4. Lu Chen, Lan Qiao, Qingwen Li. Study on dynamic consolidation characteristics of gravelly soil with crushing effect. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 120: 158-169.

5. Lu Chen, Lan Qiao, Ming Cui, Qingwen Li. Implementation of the strain hardening model into buffer material in high level waste repository. Geosciences Journal, 2017, 21(2): 277–289.

6. Lan Qiao, Yihai Zhang, Yuan Li, Shuangshuang Fu. A non-linear elastic model and high-level biaxial loading and unloading test forCSIRO in-situ stress measurement in deep granite. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 38(1): 40-48. (in Chinese)

7. Lan Qiao, Ming Zhou, Jianming Yang, Qingwen Li. Experimental study on energy absorption of high damping rubber for rockunder dynamic loads. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2018, 37(4): 961-968. (in Chinese)

8. Miao Li, Lan Qiao, Qingwen Li. Energy dissipation of rock specimens under high strain rate withsingle joint in SHPB tensile tests. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 2017, 39(7): 1336-1343. (in Chinese)

9. Haoran Guo, Lan Qiao, Yuan Li. Research on the bearing performance of energy piles using an improved load-transfer model on pile-soil interface. Rock and Soil Mechanics. 2018, 39(11): 4042-4052. (in Chinese)

10. Yi Zhou, Limin Sun, Mowen Xie, Lan Qiao(*). Correlation of modal frequency variation for a bridge with operational and environmental actions. Chinese Journal of Engineering. 2018, 40(3): 276-284. (in Chinese)