Teaching Staff

Expert Details

Wei Liang

Environmental Engineering

Duty:Master Degree Candidate


Office Phone:17701220930


Education & Employment History:

2018.3 to present   School of Civil Engineering and Resources, USTB, experiment teacher.

2014.3-2018.2         The Second Branch of Beijing Gas, Admin Staff.

2011.9-2014.1        Master of Heating, gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning, USTB.

2007.9-2011.6      Bachelor of Building Environment and Equipment Engineering, USTB.

Research Area:

1. building energy efficiency

2. indoor air quality

Primary Course:

1. Building environment testing technology

2. Engineering thermodynamics experiment

3. Air conditioning engineering experiment

4. Gas engineering experiment

Research Achievements:

1.Xie Hui, Wang He, Liang Wei, Invention relates to a pollution source locating mobile robot and a pollution source locating method.

2.Huang Zheng-jun, Zhang Lei, Liang Wei, Liu Yu, Zhang Dong, Detection of Dysplasia Geological Structure of Highway Tunnel Based on High-Density Electric Method. ICCHE 2018

3. Xie Hui, Lu Bei-bei, Wang He, Liang Wei, Cao Guo-qing, Indoor biochemical contaminant source localization using a sensor array under different ventilation conditions. Energy 2019

4. Huang Zheng-jun, Song Wei-dong, Zhang Lei, Liu Yu, Zhang Dong, Liang Wei, Research on the Scientific Instruments Management which Combined Multilevel Sharing whith Self-Hosting. ICSSHE, 2018, 561-563

5. Liang Wei, Xie Hui, Analysis of energy utilization status and energy saving potential of a sports university in north China. 18st National Academic Conference on HVAR, 2012.

6.Zou Kun-kun, Xie Hui, Zheng Yan, Liang Wei, Wang Li-feng, Energy consumption analysis of an office building in Beijing area. Building Energy Efficiency, 2013, 41(2): 52-55

7. Zheng Yan, Xie Hui, Liang Wei, Wang Li-feng, Zou Kun-kun, Energy consumption analysis of a gymnasium building in Beijing area. Building Energy Efficiency, 2012, 40(9): 54-58

Research Projects:

1. Research on the Scientific Instruments Management of the sharing service platform, 2018-2019;

2. Sub-project of the National Key Research and Development Program of China, Study of energy consumption evaluation index and energy consumption measurement model of clean workshop, 2018-2021;

3. Sub-project of the National Key Research and Development Program of China, Key technologies for the whole-process control of indoor microbial pollution in public buildings, 2017-2020;

4. US-China Clean Energy Research Center on Buildings Energy Efficiency, Study of comprehensive application of building energy saving technology in north China, 2010-2012